Alycen Brothen

Alycen Brothen

   Stillwater, MN

My work integrates traditional counted-thread embroidery techniques with freehand surface embroidery to create encrusted surfaces that are complex in their variety of stitches.  Hardanger, drawn-thread, freehand embroidery, needlepoint, and tatting are techniques found frequently in my work.  A common theme is the juxtaposition of structured and organic forms. The fabric itself is a structural foundation and counted-thread techniques further emphasize that structure.  Explosions of freehand embroideries interact with the structure; at times obscuring and overtaking it and at other times weaving itself harmoniously.

I work with silk, cotton, linen, and wool threads on cotton and linen foundation fabrics.  Each piece is stitched in layers; slowly filling in and then building over the earlier layers.  I may begin with an image or an idea of combining particular techniques, but soon the stitches find their own voice and my work becomes purely intuitive.