Kirsten Yocum

Kirsten Yocum

   Stillwater, MN

I am from a small town in the middle of nowhere. One might assume from this statement that, one, I have moved from that “nowhere” to “somewhere” and two, that I have abandoned that nowhere place forever. On the contrary, the middle of nowhere was and is the center of my creative world. Far from a source of sorrow, the episodes of solitude in my childhood facilitated a profound appreciation of the natural world around me. Many of the images in my paintings and sculptures place the viewer in remote landscapes, allowing them to feel the quiet and aloneness. The viewer can respond with sympathy, unease, or nuanced curiosity. General themes of mishap and delusion including human mastery over nature are also common in my work allowing for humor, disgust, and again unease. Acrylic paints, recycled wire, natural fibers, thrift store treasures are my materials of choice.. As the post-pandemic age slowly awakens, the urge to connect in a meaningful way is profound. Another time to grow out of the center and allow the outside in.