Diana Hatchitt

Diana Hatchitt


Website: http://www.dianahatchitt.com/Home.html

   Stillwater, MN, 55082

I look to my gardens for endless and awesome inspiration. These images are expressed through an Intaglio printmaking technique called Mezzotint. My process begins with creating a rough surface across a copper plate. Using drawing tools (burnishers & scrapers), the plate is hand carved to reveal a particular image. The plate is inked, wiped and passed through a press transferring the ink onto a piece of German Etching paper. Color inks are applied by hand before each run of the press. The mezzotint technique proves to be rewarding as well as challenging. Manipulating a plate to bring an idea to surface is a completely fulfilling and creative artistic experience.

I have  BFA in Printmaking from Indiana University. and have worked under master printers Brian Jones, Carol Wax, and Rosalie Bernardi.