Dennis Reynolds

Dennis Reynolds

   Marine on Saint Croix, MN, 55047

I enjoy creating art as a way to explore a deeper understanding of diverse experiences and our perception of places. You can often see in my two dimensional paintings as well as my public art environments, a desire to blur the lines between specific subject matter and abstract colors and forms. My most recent two dimensional work includes the use of pen and ink line work with the vigorous application of colors with oil paints. I like to explore the use of perspective combined with the effect of light and shadows to evoke movement and emotions. My work is often guided by diverse ways of understanding art including:
 Narrative experience
 Density of Meaning
 Craftsmanship
 Ethos
 Innovation
 Big idea
In addition to creating paintings, I create large scale public art environments that results in
responsive and innovative “places” that combine art + environment.

As a single person practice, Mr. Reynolds delivers projects through his person a l hands on focus on process with a unique combination of
– Innovative design analysis and perspective to understand the facts, goals and needs
– Quick hand drawings to test a wide range of concepts
– Facilitation of a creative process that includes a transparent interaction with diverse client